Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jonah...and other things

These are pair of illustrations done for DCCC publishing for the short story "Running from God," a retelling of the story of Jonah and the Whale from the Good Book. While I did not get to draw a giant whale, these were still a fun project to work on.

The first is Jonah being hurled into the stormy ocean. And the second is him teaching and the people repenting.

I would have liked to have done more painting and less coloring, but the quick deadline demanded otherwise. Maybe I'll get some time to go back to them and really do some painting. Though I did get to practice my digital inking, which I'm terrible at. All those fatty ugly lines. Oh! And I got to practice painting a stormy ocean which was tricky and I didn't quite succeed. Next time, right?

Also, their are tons of new procession master sheets! In stead of dumping them all here, go to my deviant gallery and check 'em out. Go Here! Look. I even provided link.

Alright. It's late. I'm tired. And I still have to close up the studio and drive home. And eat. Food is good. And I haven't eaten since 11. The first 11, not the second one.

Anyway, enjoy and crits are always welcome.
